The Dosha’s in Love and their love languages.

Let’s get into it! Valentine’s Day is around the corner and whether you subscribe to the celebrations - we thought it would be fun to share how each Dosha is in love. This could be helpful for you to understand importantly, how do YOU love and how do you express it? If the dosha’s are balanced - then love will flow harmoniously. But if the energies are off; we will block love. And this is a problem because according to Ayurveda, Love is a vital force directly tied to our well being, happiness and health.

It should be noted that Ayurveda recognizes that every individual is unique and our experiences will shape our behaviours. We also can 2 dominant doshas (this tends to be more common these days); so just note what resonates for you! According to Ayurveda, each dosha can exhibit unique tendencies in their relationships and show love in different ways.

So, let’s get into it!

Doshas in Love

Vata constitution tend to be creative, spontaneous, and energetic. The element of space and air is related to sound and touch. So they may be opt to display affection many ways, but often touch, gestures, surprises and some spantaneous acts of kindness. Vata enjoy’s unpredictability (when in balanced); so new experiences keep them energized. They are very accepting and open minded - and tend to see beauty with vibrance. Vata’s tend to be the artist types, so when in love, they could fuel that energy into their projects, as well as offer up creative outlets to show their love. Through expression - they may offer a poem, song or painting to their loved one.

Pitta constitution tend to be assertive, intelligent, and focused. The element of fire and water is related to sight and taste. In relationships, they show their love through acts of service, shared experiences, and deep conversations. Due to Pitta’s sharp tongue, they could be witty or more direct with their communication. Additionally, the are determined - so when it comes to making it work, they’re all in! Although Pitta’s always get caught up in their firey nature; when balanced, they have the nurturing aspect of water….much like protector. As leaders, they will take charge and initiate adventures for their loved one.

Kapha constitution tend to be stable, patient, and nurturing. The element of earth and water is related to scent and taste. In relationships, they show their love through acts of devotion, consistency, and dependability. They are naturally caring and supportive, and they may express their love through acts of generosity, cooking, and other forms of physical nurturing. Their stability can help ground an anxious partner, and they welcome you with open arms.

Doshas love language

Make your Vata swoon with physical touch and security. Although they may prefer freedom in spantianity; it’s helpful if their partner has grounding qualities to bring them back down. When Vata is imbalanced, they need security, comfort and grounding. Their ideal partner can take charge (maybe a Pitta mindset) but also can nurture when their feeling vulnerable.

Kapha Because they love to give; it is important their loved one can recognize and appreciate their efforts as Kapha like to be the supporter. They may shy away from accepting from their loved ones…not because they don’t want it, but it’s in their nature to take that role.


Love is a vital force, not just an emotion or experience.


Ojas. Your vitality, immunity and ability to be open to love.