What is your Dosha?
A Dosha is a fundamental concept in Ayurveda, the ancient Indian system of medicine and science of life.
According to Ayurveda, Doshas are the three basic bioenergetic forces that govern all physical and mental processes within our bodies and everything in nature.
The three doshas are Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, and each dosha represents a unique combination of Pancha Mahabhutas (the five great elements), space, air, fire, water, and earth.
We are all born with a dominant Dosha; but also suffer from imbalances in both the mind and body. While general information can give us clues to our Dosha and imbalances; for a more accurate indication - a trained Ayurvedic professional will be able to provide more concrete information.
Vata Dosha: Composed of space and air elements. Vata governs movement, creativity, and communication. It is responsible for bodily functions such as breathing, blood circulation, and elimination. When in balance, Vata promotes vitality, flexibility, and enthusiasm.
Gifts in balance: Creativity, adaptability, vitality, clarity of thought, graceful movements, lightness.
Imbalances: Anxiety, restlessness, insomnia, dry skin, digestive issues, scattered thoughts.
Pitta Dosha: Comprised of fire and water elements. Pitta governs metabolism, digestion, and transformation. It is associated with qualities such as intelligence, courage, and ambition. When in balance, Pitta promotes healthy digestion, clear thinking, and a radiant complexion.
Gifts in balance: Strong digestion, focused mind, radiant glow, determination, leadership qualities.
Imbalances: Irritability, anger, skin inflammation, heartburn, excessive heat, perfectionism.
Kapha Dosha: Formed by water and earth elements. Kapha governs structure, stability, and lubrication. It provides support to the body's tissues, maintains immunity, and promotes emotional stability. When in balance, Kapha fosters strength, endurance, and a sense of calmness.
Gifts in balance: Strength, stability, calm disposition, groundedness, nurturing nature.
Imbalances: Weight gain, lethargy, congestion, attachment, difficulty letting go, resistance to change.
If you want to learn more about your Dosha and imbalances, Book an Ayruvedic Assessment where we will consult deeper to understand your needs both physically and energetically.